The Sanctions & Export Control Newsletter

United States: U.S. Armenian organization lobbies against manufacturers of U.S. parts found in Turkish drones used by Azerbaijan
United States: Department of Justice seized 27 domains names owned by the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps
United Kingdom: European Commission proposes to add the U.K. on the list of countries authorized under authorization EU001
European Union: Renewal of the sanctions regime targeting Turkey’s drilling activities in Eastern Mediterranean Sea
European Union: The European Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee publishes a report on the future of the Vienna Agreement on Iran’s nuclear program

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The Anticorruption & Ethics Newsletter

United States: Swiss bank Julius Bear agrees to pay USD 79.7 million to settle an investigation on allegations of bribery and money laundering
United States: U.S. authorities are investigating Pfizer’s activities in China
France: Mazars publishes its 2020 CSR Barometer on extra-financial reporting practices and trends in France
Japan: Kirin suspends dividend payment to local partner in Myanmar linked to military
Peru: President dismissed by deputies on corruption charges
United Kingdom: A whistleblower arrested in Croatia awaits the support of the British government
United Kingdom: SFO obtains GBP 1.2 million following investigation into London property linked to the Petrobras case
Switzerland: Bribe deduction from taxes prohibited from 2022
Vatican: The Vatican State Secretariat involved in a financial scandal

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La newsletter Anticorruption & Vigilance

Etats-Unis : La banque suisse Julius Bear accepte de verser la somme de 79,7 millions de dollars pour mettre un terme à une enquête sur des suspicions de blanchiment d’argent et de corruption
Etats-Unis : Les autorités américaines mènent une enquête sur les activités de Pfizer en Chine
France : Mazars publie son Baromètre RSE 2020 des pratiques et tendances de reporting extra-financier en France
Japon : Kirin suspend le paiement des dividendes à son partenaire commercial au Myanmar lié à l’armée
Pérou : Le président destitué par les députés à la suite d’accusations de corruption
Royaume-Uni : Un lanceur d’alerte arrêté en Croatie attend le soutien du gouvernement britannique
Royaume-Uni : Le SFO obtient 1,2 million de livres sterling à la suite d’une enquête visant une propriété londonienne liée à l’affaire Petrobras
Suisse : La déduction de pots-de-vin des impôts interdite à partir de 2022
Vatican : La Secrétairerie d’Etat du Vatican impliquée dans un scandale financier

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The Anticorruption & Ethics Newsletter

World Bank: Two Chinese engineering companies debarred for 18 months by the World Bank
Canada: Landmark out-of-court settlement concluded by a mining company following allegations of human right violations
South Korea: Former president finally convicted of corruption
United States: US company agrees to pay a fine to the DOJ to end an FCPA investigation
United Nations: PRI unveil new requirements for the consideration of human rights by investors
World: Oxfam report highlights role of French banks in climate change
United Kingdom: The new operational orientations of the Serious Fraud Office in terms of DPA

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The Anticorruption & Ethics Newsletter

World Bank : The World Bank adopts the U.S. Department of Justice’s approach to assessing corporate compliance programs
Brazil : New evidence and new searches in the Petrobras case United States : Goldman Sachs reaches a USD 2.9 billion settlement with the DOJ and the SEC in the 1MDB case
France : Associations publish new report on Total’s activities in Uganda and Tanzania
United Nations : United Nations Secretary General alerts countries regarding new forms of corruption in times of health crisis
European Union : The European Central Bank strenghthens its whistleblower protection system
European Union : The European Parliament publishes a draft report on corporate duty of vigilance relating to the protection of human rights and the environment

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The Sanctions & Export Control Newsletter

China : Adoption of the Export Control Law
United States : Trump would remove Sudan from the state sponsors of terrorism list
United States : Release of the National Strategy for Critical and Emerging Technologies
United States : Multinational conglomerate company Berkshire reached a settlement agreement with OFAC over violations of Iran-sanction program
New Zealand : Amendment of the catch-all provisions
United Kingdom : Publication of “Notice to exporters 2020/14 : sign up for the EU dual-use OGEL
European Union : New initiative to address human rights violations and abuses worldwide

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The Anticorruption & Ethics Newsletter

France : EDF put on notice as part of a construction project in Mexico France: First report following the implementation of the ‘Pacte’ law
France: The French Anti-Corruption Agency submits its draft updated recommendations for public consultation
Peru : Corruption investigation opened against Peruvian president
Switzerland : Cramer & Cie Bank targeted by an investigation for money laundering in connection with the Petrobras affair
United Kingdom: Tesco stops sourcing from Kenyan supplier accused of human rights abuses
United Kingdom: UK NCP releases its initial assessment decision regarding the complaint filed against UK JCB for the use of its products in Israeli settlements
United States: J&F Investimentos pays USD 285 million to U.S. enforcement authorities to settle FCPA violations
World: More than three quarters of global trade impacted by corruption according to Transparency International

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The Sanctions & Export Control Newsletter

China: Recent advances to the Export Control Law
European Union: EU Commission expands its guidance on Covid-19 humanitarian aid to Iran & Venezuela
European Union: Council decision on the promotion of effective arms export controls
European Union: A political agreement reached to set up new sanctions on Russia over the poisoning of Alexei Navalny
Europoean Union: EU to scale down bilateral cooperation with Belarussian authorities after having imposed sanctions on 40 Belarussian individuals
Germany: Bundesgerichtshof authorizes the extension of the pre-trial detention of a man accused of the fraudulent export of dual use goods
United Kingdom: The Export Control Joint Unit and the Department for International Trade publish their quarterly report
United Kingdom: Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation Releases Annual Report
United States: Clarification of the « see-though rule »
Turkey: Sanctions, suspension of arms exports permits and imports restriction towards the State

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The Sanctions & Export Control Newsletter

Germany: Open joint letter from Dutch and German Parliaments regarding a European Magnitsky Act
United States: OFAC issues an advisory on potential sanctions risk on ransomware payments
United-States: Complaint against a U.S. executive order threatening the ICC
United States: Travel assistance services company Generali Global Assistance reached a settlement agreement with the OFAC
United States: A Dominican Republic Senator has filed a complaint requesting his delisting from U.S. sanctions
United-States: Guidance of the Department of State about products or services with surveillance capabilities

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