The Sanctions & Export Control Newsletter

United Arab Emirates: FATF report criticizes UAE implementation of UN sanctions
United States: A U.S. animal nutrition company settled with the OFAC over violations of the Cuban Assets Control Regulations
United States: House of Representatives letter in support of the renewal of the United Nations arms embargo against Iran
United States: Iron Mountain discloses potential breaches of Iran sanctions
United States: Department of Commerce Launches National Security Investigation of U.S. Transformer Components
United States: United States Senators introduce sanctions bill targeting public health misinformation
European Union: The European Union Commission Action Plan strengthens AML & Terrorist Financing strategy

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The Anticorruption & Ethics Newsletter

World Bank: World Bank debars individual for collusive, corrupt and fraudulent practices
Commonwealth: U.K. and Australia governments issued guidance on the impact of Covid-19 on modern slavery
South Korea: The largest telecommunication company under investigation by the SEC for violation of the FCPA
United States: Alexion Pharmaceuticals has reached a settlement in principle with the SEC over bribery allegations
United States: Herbalife agrees to a fine to end DOJ investigation into bribery allegations
United States: A US consumer ledger sets aside USD 21.7 million to solve a SEC probe
United States: United States reaches settlement to recover more than USD 49 million involving 1MDB
United States: Walmart accused of firing compliance officer to cover up internal corruption investigation
France: The Ministry of the Economy reinforces the control of foreign investment in strategic companies
Indonesia: Former Garuda Indonesia CEO sentenced to eight years in prison for bribery
World: Publication of a declaration for the continuity of the fight against corruption in this crisis context

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The Anticorruption & Ethics Newsletter

South Africa: Trial of former president Zuma postponed due to coronavirus
South Korea: In the midst of a corruption scandal, Samsung’s vice-president announces he will not hand over the control of the company to his children
France: Total is committing itself to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050
France: Employers’ organizations call for a reduction in the responsibility of executives during a state of health emergency
European Union: The European Commission to launch human rights due diligence law in 2021
United States: Israeli bank agrees to pay USD 30 million fine to end DOJ charges for FIFA money laundering
United States: SEC whistleblowers’ awards on the rise
France: The executives of major groups call for “putting the environment at the heart of the recovery

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The Sanctions & Export Control Newsletter

Germany: Hezbollah designed as a terrorist organization
United-States: Violation of US Regulations by American Express Travel Related Services Company
United States: The United States calls for EU sanctions on Iran’s missile program after Tehran launches first military satellite
United States: turns to blacklisted Chinese company to meet thermal imaging camera needs
United Nations: UN call on the US to lift Cuba embargo amid the Covid-19 crisis

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The Sanctions & Export Control Newsletter

United States: Visa and Mastercard sued under the Helms-Burton Act
United States: U.S. Government has issued an advisory on the North Korean cyber threat
Iran: The Iran Central Bank asks the IMF to use INSTEX for loans
Malta: Five individuals charged with violating EU sanctions on Libya
Netherlands: European blocking regulation does not prevent extradition to the United States
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The Anticorruption & Ethics Newsletter

Colombia: Opening of an investigation targeting a Minister suspected of corruption in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic
Due Diligence: 105 investors support the introduction of mandatory due diligence legal provisions
United States: The SEC and DOJ recommend that companies continue the fight against corruption
United States: The Brazilian conglomerate AG Engenharia excluded from any program financed by the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) for corruption
France: The Ministry of Justice publishes the 2018 statistics on the judicial treatment of breaches of probity
World: World Bank debars Mega-Mebiko JV LLC for water-project fraud
OECD: Corruption must not hamper global efforts to fight the pandemic
United Kingdom: Trial of BHP Group PLC for failure of Brazilian dam postponed due to Covid-19

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The Anticorruption & Ethics Newsletter

Human rights: Publication of a report on the respect of human rights during the Covid-19 pandemic
United States: Eni agrees to pay a fine to settle corruption charges
United States: The Department of Justice publishes its first list of independent compliance monitors
Europe: The Council of Europe’s Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) publishes guidelines aimed at preventing corruption in the context of the coronavirus outbreak
France: Right of reply from Total after the release of an NGO article
Lithuania: A corruption case involving Alstom has been dropped
United Kingdom: EY ordered to pay USD 11 million to a whistleblower

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The Sanctions & Export Control Newsletter

United States: The OFAC encourages communication of Covid-19 compliance concerns
United States: US Senator introduces law to punish Chinese officials for lack of transparency and censorship in the medical field
United Nations: Suspected violation of Libyan arms embargo by UAE-based companies
European Union: The EU calls for further clarifications on the use of humanitarian exceptions in sanctions regime

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The Sanctions & Export Control Newsletter

United-Kingdom: Publication of two notices to exporters by the U.K.’s Export Control Joint Unit
United States:U.S. Department of Treasury reaffirms its support for humanitarian aid to countries under sanctions by granting exemptions for the export of medical equipment
United States: Executive Branch agencies recommend banning China Telecom from operating in the U.S. telecommunications market
United States: Donald Trump issues a Memo on United States visa sanctions for countries that do not repatriate nationals
European Union: European Union deputies’ letter says Russia sanctions should not be lifted

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The Anticorruption & Ethics Newsletter

United States: DOJ returns USD 300 million to Malaysia as part of the 1MDB scandal
United States: Former sales director of an Alstom SA U.S. subsidiary convicted as part of a corruption case of Indonesian public officials
United States: Former Goldman Sachs executive prosecuted over a corruption scheme in Ghana
NGOs: Report highlights lack of protection for construction workers against Covid-19
United Kingdom: The three-year DPA of Tesco has come to an end
European Union: BlackRock to advise the European Union on the integration of ESG rules by banks

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