The Sanctions & Export Control Newsletter

Germany: The BAFA introduces electronic arm reporting system
Cuba:US embargo restricted airline from transporting aid from China
United States:General Electric has been granted a license to supply jet engines to Chinese COMAC’s new passenger jet
Human Rights Watch:Release of a report regarding children torture by Egyptian security forces
UN: UN rights expert call for the lifting of economic sanctions amid COVID-19 pandemic
Switzeland:Control of surveillance technologies
European Union: The European Union make the exportation of certain products subject to an export authorization

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The Anticorruption & Ethics Newsletter

Ecuador:Supreme Court finds ex-President Correa guilty of corruption
United States:Various corruption charges around the 2018 and 2022 football World Cups
World: NGOs urge governments to respect human rights in the use of surveillance technologies to combat coronavirus
PRI:PRI has launched signatory participation groups on COVID-19
United Kingdom:The High Court of Justice authorises Alstom to use expert French law evidence in the context of the enforcement in the UK of an arbitration award made in Geneva
European Union:The European Commission is considering the adoption of ad hoc antitrust measures in the context of the COVID-19 crisis

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The Anticorruption & Ethics Newsletter

Asia: HRW denounces the apparel brand company’s business practices in response to coronavirus
United States: DOJ accuses Nicolas Maduro of narco-terrorism and corruption
France: The Competition authority adapts time limits and procedures due to the state of health emergency
Japan: Japanese businessmen admits receiving more than USD 8 million in prize money for the Tokyo Olympics
United Kingdom: Government launches modern anti-slavery action plan in supply chains
European Union: Corruption risks raised by “golden passports” still topical in Europe

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The Sanctions & Export Control Newsletter

Canada: Canada makes Novichok subject to export control
United States: The Chamber of Commerce urges the United States Government to refrain from export controls in order to respond to the pandemic
Europe: EU launches Operation IRINI to enforce Libya arms embargo
Iran: The E3 announces the first Instex Transaction
World: The company Philips calls on all governments to remove export controls and tariffs on “essential materials and components” to fight COVID-19
Luxembourg: Publication of guidelines for Luxembourg exporters
Russia: Russian oil company Rosneft restructures its Venezuelan assets following US sanctions
Switzerland: Switzerland imposes prior licensing requirement for the exports of medical protective equipment
European Union: MEPs call for speeding up the implementation of a human rights sanctions regime

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The Anticorruption & Ethics Newsletter

Brazil : Federal Supreme Court orders reallocation of funds from Petrobras to the fight against Coronavirus
Climate : Poland and South Korea targeted by lawsuits
Coronavirus : Businesses would face increased risk of corruption
United States : DOJ establishes nation-wide reporting process to report coronavirus fraud
United States : Complaint launched against Venezuelian entrepreneur for money laundering
France : The association Les Amis de la Terre appeals the decision of the Court of Justice declaring itself incompetent in the Total case
Hong Kong : Former bourse official accused of bribery in connection with IPO
Mexico : Mexico requests the extradition of a former Pemex executive as part of Odebrecht case

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The Sanctions & Export Control Newsletter

France : France releases Iranian engineer accused of violating US sanctions
United Nations : Michelle Bachelet calls for lighter sanctions against COVID-19 affected countries
United Kingdom : MEPs want to open up the possibility of putting oligarchs considered corrupt on the British sanctions list
United Kingdom : Metro Bank is facing a lawsuit by Iranian customers

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The Sanctions & Export Control Newsletter

United States: The United States Commerce Department adds 24 entities to the Entity List
United States: The U.S. Court dismisses Amazon Helms-Burton claim
United States: Iranian bank director convicted of sanctions evasion scheme
United States: New sanctions against russian oil brockerage firm
European Union: Six months extension of the sanction regime against Russian and Ukrainian individuals
European Union: Use of export control regulations in the context of the coronavirus crisis
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The Anticorruption & Ethics Newsletter

Saudi Arabia: 298 officials arrested in corruption investigation
United States: ZTE claims it is not aware of being investigated by the U.S. Justice Department over bribery suspicions
United States: Multinational oil and mining companies urges the SEC to revise its proposed transparency rules for companies in the extractive industry
United States: The Department of Justice’s antitrust division warns business community in a context of COVID-19
France: CNIL’s control priorities in 2020
World: Several bribery trials postponed due to coronavirus
World: Trace publishes its 10th annual report on the global application of anti-corruption standards
Peru: Local communities file lawsuits against oil company Pluspetrol
United Kingdom: Member of Parliament proposes amendment to the Environment Bill
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La newsletter Anticorruption & Vigilance

Arabie Saoudite : Arrestation de 298 fonctionnaires dans le cadre d’une enquête de corruption
Etats-Unis : ZTE indique ne pas avoir été informé d’une enquête à son encontre pour des soupçons de corruption
Etats-Unis : Certaines multinationales pétrolières et minières demandent à la SEC de réviser son projet de règles de transparence imposées aux sociétés de l’industrie extractive
Etats-Unis : La division antitrust du département de la Justice avertit le monde des affaires en période de COVID-19
France : Priorités de contrôle de la CNIL en 2020
Monde : Renvoi de plusieurs procès pour corruption en raison du coronavirus
Monde : Trace publie son 10ème rapport annuel sur l’application mondiale des normes anticorruption
Pérou : Des communautés locales portent plainte contre l’entreprise pétrolière Pluspetrol
Royaume-Uni : Un député propose un amendement au projet de loi sur l’environnement

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The Anticorruption & Ethics Newsletter

Climate: Banks threatened with lawsuits because of their support to the coal industry
United States: Former Alstom executive sentenced for money laundering
United States: John Wood reserves USD 46 million to cover costs associated with possible settlements
Malaysia: Resignation of the Head of the Anti-Corruption Commission
World: Coronavirus’ spread could complicate corporate anti-bribery efforts
Peru: Three years in prison requested against the former first lady in the Odebrecht corruption case
Russia: An auchan subsidiary at the heart of a corruption scandal

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