
The Anticorruption & Ethics Newsletter

Algeria: Former Energy Minister sentenced to twenty years in prison
China: Former top official of the China Development Bank arrested on suspicions of corruption
United States: Department of Justice investigates into Raytheon Technologies Corp.’s hiring practices
United States: SEC proposes to amend two rules in its whistleblower program
United States: U.S. Department of Justice releases its 2021 annual report
United States: Former Amazon employee sentenced to 10 months in prison for setting up bribery ring within the company
United States / United Kingdom / Brazil: Glencore reserves USD 1.5 billion to resolve corruption allegations
France: Atalian pays EUR 15 million to avoid a trial for tax fraud laundering
France: Preliminary investigation opened against the former CEO of Orpea
France: The law on the protection of whistleblowers definitively adopted by the Parliament
France: Opening of three preliminary investigations into the management of the Nice Chamber of Commerce and Industry
World: Supply chain sustainability study published, highlighting lack of communication by suppliers on their carbon footprint
Sweden: Ericsson admits that bribes paid in Iraq may have been collected by ISIS

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