
The Anticorruption & Ethics Newsletter

Germany: German government proposes whistleblower protection law
Germany/Japan: Release of Guidelines on corporate duty of care
Argentina: Argentinian prosecutors request twelve years in prison for Cristina Kirchner
Brazil: Inter-American Development Bank debars construction company for corrupt practices in Brazil
Cameroon: An investigation targets Glencore Plc for corruption
South Korea: Samsung CEO, convicted of corruption in early 2022, receives presidential pardon
United States: Former Alstom Asia vice president found not guilty in foreign bribery case
United States: Texas Comptroller Announces List of Financial Companies that Boycott Oil Companies
France: French National Financial Prosecutor’s Office to investigate against Commisimpex over corruption allegations
France: AFA publishes two practical guides relating to the prevention and detection of integrity breaches in the world of sport
France: Search at Paris City Hall in connection with the judicial inquiry relating to the award of the Triangle Tower concession contract
France: The NGO Notre Affaire à tous publishes a report on climate vigilance
France: The law on the protection of whistleblowers comes into force
Iran: Iran suspends its steel giant from the stock market after corruption charges
Italy: Italian prosecutor’s office withdraws appeal against the acquittal of Shell and Eni in the “OPL 245” case
Myanmar: Aung San Suu Kyi sentenced to six years in prison for corruption
UN: Release of a guidance on respecting human rights in conflict-affected areas
United Kingdom: Serious Fraud Office chief criticized in Unaoil corruption trial review

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