
The Anticorruption & Ethics Newsletter

France: The SRI Label Committee proposes a major overhaul of its standards
France: AFA launches a new self-study module on anti-corruption while the new members of its Sanctions Committee are appointed
France: A complaint from Anticor targets Nicolas Sarkozy and three associates for alleged corruption in the award of the World Cup to Qatar
France: French prosecutors reportedly opened preliminary investigation into Cifal on suspicion of foreign bribery
Japan: First conviction in 2020 Tokyo Olympics corruption trials announced
Uganda: Corruption scandal over roofing sheet diversion intensifies
European Union: The Legal Affairs Committee of the European Parliament adopts its position on the proposal for a directive on Corporate Sustainability due diligence
European Union: Adoption of a European Regulation on the importation of products resulting from deforestation
European Union: The European Commission provides answers on Article 9 of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) regarding green funds
European Union: European Parliament Bureau adopts first decision on lobbying

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