
The Anticorruption & Ethics Newsletter

United States : Koninklijke Philips agrees for a second time to pay a fine to resolve bribery allegations
United States : SEC announces the largest-ever whistleblower award
France : BNP Paribas ceases its financing of activities dedicated to the development of new oil and gas fields
France : Two new CJIPs validated by the French National Financial Prosecutor’s Office in connection with corruption allegations
France : The Court of Cassation recognizes universal jurisdiction for French justice in two cases involving war crimes committed in Syria
France : Nicolas Sarkozy, Thierry Herzog, and Gilbert Azibert convicted of corruption and influence peddling
Japan : Two new suspended sentences handed down in the wake of the Tokyo Olympic corruption scandal
Pakistan : Former Prime Minister Imran Khan granted bail for corruption charges
Ukraine : President of the Supreme Court arrested in a corruption case

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