
The Anticorruption & Ethics Newsletter

Australia: Federal Government introduces a draft law to amend Corporate Crime Legislation
United States: Acquittal of an executive of French company Privinvest accused of bribery by the DOJ
United States: ExxonMobile was found not guilty in a securities fraud lawsuit linked to climate change
France: Opening of a judicial investigation into the award of the 2022 World Cup in Qatar
France: First hearing under the law on the “duty of care” of mother companies
France: A draft law proposes the taking into account of CSR criteria for public procurement
France: A French engineering company would have signed a CJIP with the Financial Prosecution Office to end a corruption investigation
Kirgyzstan: Two former Prime Ministers sentenced to prison over corruption charges
World: Civil society actors call for the opening of an investigation by the International Criminal Court on companies of the defense industry
Philippines: Major oil companies could be held responsible for human rights violations
Sweden: Ericsson targeted by a corruption investigation
European Union: Businesses believe corruption is on the decline in the EU
European Union: EU Foreign ministers call for a legal instrument to better sanction human rights’ violations

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