
The Anticorruption & Ethics Newsletter

Australia: Man arrested on suspicions of USD 78 million in corruption in Iraq
Austria:  Government lost its appeal against Airbus as part of the Eurofighter case
United States:The Securities and Exchange Commission has awarded record awards to whistleblowers in 2020
United States:The OECD Working Group commends the anti-bribery enforcement of the United States
Europe: Investors urge major companies to include climate risk in financial statements
France:The Club des juristes publishes its report in favor of a European model of compliance
World: The World Benchmarking Alliance launches its fourth edition of the Corporate Human Rights Benchmark
World: The 9th United Nations Forum on Business and Human Rights held online
OECD:New Survey on responsible business conduct and anticorruption compliance in Southeast Asia
United Kingdom: A NGO requests the exclusion of the audit firm EY from tendering procedures

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