
The Anticorruption & Ethics Newsletter

Brazil: Outgoing mayor of Rio de Janeiro arrested on suspicion of corruption
China: China’s anti-corruption fight is asserting itself through an increasingly severe punishment regime
Colombia: Brazilian group Odebrecht fined EUR 40 million in corruption case in Colombia
South Korea: The Seoul Public Prosecutor’s Office demands a nine-year prison sentence against the heir of Samsung for acts of corruption
United States:  Commodity futures trading commission uses Dodd-Frank rule to target foreign corruption
United States: U.S. Congress adopts a law requiring owners of shell companies to disclose their identity
United States: The United States blocks palm oil imports from a Malaysian company due to forced labor allegations
France: The President of the European Metropolis of Lille soon to be tried for “concealment of breach of trust
France: Changes in the application of the law on corporate duty of vigilance and the consideration of the fight for climate change by corporations
France: French armies adopt a “code for the prevention of breaches of probity
France: Enactment of the law on the European Public Prosecutor’s Office, environmental justice and specialized criminal justice
Russia: Auchan uses lie detectors to fight corruption
Switzerland: Petrobras receives USD 45 million (EUR 36 million) in leniency agreement between Vitol and Swiss federal prosecutors
European Union: Entry into force of the Conflict Minerals Regulation

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